Sunday, August 26, 2012

Rule #11 -- Love More!

"Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. The bless the ones who receive them, and they bless you, the giver." - Barbara De Angelis

Karl Moore, in this 11th part of the 18 Rules of Happiness, states that in order to be happy, you need to love more. It's not the clingy, relationship love that most people might have in mind. Instead, the kind of love that a mother gives to her child, or the kind that a child gives for his/her puppy or kitten.

Love your life as it is.

Love your family, even if at times, it is easier to hate them.

Love nature and the beauty that surrounds you daily.

Love your friends for all their good and bad points.

Love both sides of the coin.

Just simply love more -- and you will be happy.