Monday, February 10, 2014

Prayer for Kindness

Because I feel that the world needs a little more kindness, here's a prayer for kindness inspired by the leaflet "Simple Prayers for Busy People."

Prayer for Kindness

Sweet Jesus, You are so kind. I want to
be like You. Allow me to be a conveyor
of Your kindness today.

I pray for kind thoughts -- 
thoughts that will always think good
of others, thoughts that will give them
the benefit of the doubt, thoughts of 
compassion and respect.

I pray for kind words -- words
of encouragement, words spoken in
graciousness. May kindness be the rule
every time I give instructions to others,
especially those under me.

I pray for kind actions -- actions
that add value to others, actions that
make others feel special,
May I seize every opportunity to be
kind today. Amen.