Friday, October 28, 2011

Positive Reflections Will Help Improve your Personal Life

If you want to change your old habits into new habits you can do so, but you will have to let go of all your old habits. For most of us it is hard to change, yet if you want to, you can learn to take steps to change your ways.

Many people are brought up lying to self and others. This happens because we are plagued by a world filled with opinions, philosophies, theories, inferences, and conclusions. You have to learn how to find your own truth before you can improve your life.

What are some of the things you can do to turn your bad ways into good ways?

The question is best answered by you alone. Friends, family and outside forces can only offer you helpful tips, but it takes you to try out new tactics that will help you grow into the person you want to be. No one can compel you to change, but you. When you're ready to do this, you can do it even without anyone's help. You can learn to build on the inner gifts you have within yourself. The qualities you have include self-esteem, confidence, trust, self-awareness, self-motivation and so on. You can build on each of these qualities to improve your personal life. You have to figure out what works for you.

For one thing, you need to decide what is making you do what you do and figure out a way to do the right thing. So if it is the people you hang out with, maybe you should find a different group to be around with. Maybe people from a support group or a group from your church can help you find ways to change your bad habits. The first thing you have to do, however, is to stop lying to yourself about it. You have to learn how to make good decisions by evaluating the consequences of your actions.

It is easier than you believe. For instance, would you allow a drunk person to drive you home? You know that that is a bad decision and will not allow it as it may cost you both your lives.

Positive reflections include friends and family. If your family members are dragging you down, or your friends are holding you back, you have to make a choice. The choice may include removing these people from your life. We can all live productively and happily without negative people around you if need be, but one thing you don’t need is someone holding you back.

To develop new skills that will guide you to remove bad habits, try using your conscious mind. When you observe, listen and hear the things around you, you learn more than you would reading a book. Observation is one key to achieving improvement in your life. Observation includes self-awareness. The ability to look inside out. Stand back and take a hard look at you. Do not wallow in self-pity or self-judgment, but rather look for ways to make your life better.

Are you a smoker? Smoking is the number one reason that people get lung cancer. Smoking is not good for you. If you can quit on your own, great. But if you need help, ask for it.

Are you an excessive drinker? Do you know the side effects of drinking excessively? If not visit the Internet and learn more about what alcohol can do to you. Too much alcohol can damage your liver. On the other hand, if you can control alcohol intake, limit to taking three drinks per week. Studies have shown that drinking alcohol beverages moderately on a weekly basis can reduce the risks of heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and so on.

If you are dependent on drugs and other substances, you may want to find a way to take control of your life once again.